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Sponsorship, Branding & Networking

The Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2024 aims to create an environment that fosters learning, networking, and collaboration, enabling participants to gain valuable knowledge and build meaningful relationships. We believe that this event will serve as an excellent opportunity for your business to broaden its horizons and explore new avenues for growth and success. Here are the main advantages of sponsoring our events:

1. Brand visibility and recognition: Our corporate events provide significant brand exposure. Your company's name, logo, and branding materials are prominently displayed throughout the event, including banners, signage, programs, and promotional materials. This increased visibility helps to raise awareness about your brand among attendees, industry professionals, and potential customers.

2. Targeted audience reach: Our corporate events often attract a specific target audience relevant to your industry or niche. By sponsoring such an event, you can directly reach your target market and engage with potential customers who are interested in your products or services. This targeted exposure increases the likelihood of generating qualified leads and driving business growth.

3. Networking opportunities: Sponsoring our corporate event often comes with perks such as access to VIP lounges, exclusive networking sessions, and private meetings with industry leaders and key decision-makers. This provides an excellent opportunity to build relationships with potential clients, partners, and industry influencers. Networking at sponsored events can lead to valuable collaborations, partnerships, and business opportunities.

4. Thought leadership and industry positioning: Sponsoring our industry events position your company as a thought leader and expert in your field. It demonstrates your commitment to the industry and showcases your expertise. Speaking opportunities, panel discussions, or hosting educational sessions further enhance your credibility and authority, elevating your brand's reputation in the industry.

5. Product or service demonstration: Our corporate events provide a platform for sponsors to showcase their products or services directly to a targeted audience. You can set up booths or demo stations where attendees can interact with your offerings, ask questions, and gain hands-on experience. This experiential marketing approach helps potential customers understand the value and benefits of your products or services, leading to increased brand interest and potential sales.

6. Lead generation and customer acquisition: Sponsoring our industry events allow you to capture leads and acquire new customers. By leveraging the event's promotional channels and engaging with attendees, you can generate interest and attract potential buyers. Sponsoring events often includes opportunities for lead capture through activities such as contests, giveaways, or registration forms, enabling you to build a database of potential leads for follow-up after the event.

7. Competitive advantage: Sponsoring our industry event can give you a competitive edge over your rivals. By associating your brand with a reputable event, you differentiate yourself from competitors and showcase your commitment to the industry. This can positively influence the perception of your brand, help you stand out in a crowded market, and potentially attract customers who value the association with industry events.

8. Market insights and intelligence: As a sponsor, you gain access to valuable market insights and intelligence. You can interact with other sponsors, exhibitors, and industry professionals, gaining insights into market trends, emerging technologies, and competitive strategies. This knowledge can inform your business strategies, product development, and marketing efforts, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve.

Sponsoring Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2024 can provide a range of benefits, including increased brand visibility, targeted audience reach, networking opportunities, thought leadership positioning, lead generation, competitive advantage, and access to market insights. It can be a powerful marketing strategy to strengthen your brand presence, build relationships, and drive business growth.

Key benefits of sponsorship/partnership

  • Best branding opportunities such as branding on corporate logo on backdrops, display hoardings, trophy & certificates, visitors access cards, delegate bags and other promotional materials.
  • Booth Stand for display of your product & services.
  • Speaking/technical presentation opportunities at the event
  • Participation in technical panel discussions with industry leaders
  • Business networking with high profile industry leaders, Govt. officials and delegates
  • New lead generation for business development of your company
  • Delegate passes to other officials of your company
  • Print advertising in our B2B magazines (Urban Transport Infrastructure & Metro Rail Today)
  • Digital advertising in our news websites, event websites and daily E-Newsletters
  • Interview coverage in our B2B magazines (Urban Transport Infrastructure & Metro Rail Today)
  • Coverage of new products/services in our print and online publications
  • Display of corporate logo in all e-mailers being sent to over 10 lakh emails
  • Nomination for 4th Urban Infra Business Leadership Awards 2024

Please note that the sponsorship packages are available on the 'first come, first serve' basis only. Limited slots available!!

For sponsorship or partnership opportunities, please do contact:

Mr. Vinod Shah
Director (Corporate Sales)
Mob. 91 9716454505

Ms. Shilpa Sharma
Manager - Marketing & Communications
T: +91 7772002808

Ms. Khushboo Parveen
Marketing Officer
Mob. 91-9343558967