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Urban Infra Business Summit 2024 - Agenda

The 4th Edition of the Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2024 features thematic tracks that delve into key aspects of urban development, addressing critical challenges and exploring innovative solutions. These thematic tracks are carefully curated to provide insights, spark discussions, and drive action towards sustainable and inclusive urban infrastructure. Each track focuses on a specific area of urban development and highlights its relevance in shaping the future of cities.

Railways and Transportation: This track explores the role of railways and transportation systems in enhancing connectivity, mobility, and accessibility in urban areas. Discussions may include advancements in rail technology, integration of multimodal transport systems, and strategies for improving urban mobility.

Smart Cities and Digital Infrastructure: This track examines the integration of digital technologies and data-driven solutions to create smarter, more efficient cities. Topics may include smart governance, digital infrastructure, IoT applications, and the use of data analytics for urban planning and management.

Sustainable Infrastructure and Resilience: Addressing the challenges of climate change and urbanization, this track focuses on building sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Discussions may cover renewable energy solutions, green building practices, climate adaptation strategies, and disaster risk reduction measures.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): This track explores the concept of transit-oriented development as a strategy for creating vibrant, walkable communities around transit hubs. Topics may include land use planning, mixed-use development, affordable housing, and community engagement in TOD projects.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Infrastructure: This track examines the role of public-private partnerships in financing, developing, and operating urban infrastructure projects. Discussions may include best practices in PPP procurement, risk-sharing mechanisms, and regulatory frameworks for promoting private sector participation.

Innovations in Urban Planning and Design: Focusing on innovative approaches to urban planning and design, this track explores concepts such as compact urban development, green infrastructure, placemaking, and inclusive design principles to create livable and equitable cities.

These thematic tracks provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the complex challenges of urban development and offer valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in shaping the future of cities. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and expert presentations, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and explore actionable strategies for driving positive change in urban infrastructure.